“I’m struggling with how to describe what a reading with Shiva is like, cause it’s so rare that you cross paths with a person who’s so.. full of light? Intuition and empathy? All those things and more. There’s an energy there that I don’t think there’s a word for, that l feel lucky to be around; you should go get a reading and experience it for yourself! Plus, she also makes a bunch of insanely good smelling candles.”
Happy Clients
“I LOVE the melts and candles. The colors are rich and pretty and the scents are just perfect. They add ambience and comfort to my room without being overpowering. I also really love the way the candles feel...kind of silky and luxurious."
— Heather
“I had been seeking a true love, got tired of the dating scene and suspended my online dating account. Desperate, I burned the rose love ritual candle during the New Moon in Cancer in July, recited the affirmation, added my own and let it burn down. About two weeks later I signed onto the site again and, within a day or two, I met a man who was well-written, polite, smart, funny, kind and insightful. I was amazed. It turns out that this man is my soulmate - a creative, loving human being who loves me as much as I love him. Truly unbelievable. The seller is generous, including some little treats with the candle. And the candle itself - the scent is a subtle, lovely rose, it is beautiful and and, I believe, was amazing, helping me to create and attract love in my life! Highly recommended!!!”
— Cathy
“I booked Shiva as a tarot reader for my graduation party in July and I can't even begin to express how loved she was by everyone that came. There were so many people wanting a reading from her that we had to start a queue and she even worked overtime to accommodate everyone! So many people came up to me afterwards and thanked me for having Shiva there to read tarot because she offered them an immense amount of guidance and insight, more than many had expressed that they expected. In addition to being an incredibly talented reader of tarot and of energy alike, Shiva is one of the most brilliant people I know. She is incredibly intelligent and wise, which shows in her sessions with clients. She is equally as loving, kind-hearted, and nurturing -- the combination of all of these traits make for a beautiful and moving session regardless of the time that one spends with her. I've already recommended Shiva to many for these reasons and I know that someone like her takes pride and really does care about each and every one of her clients, an aspect of Shiva that I will forever admire and strive to reach. Thank you again, Shiva, for being the light of my party, and one of the brighter stars in my own sky!”